Body and vehicles manufacturers
- vehicles built by specialist.
Once you decided on the chassis, we plan all necessarily and usefully reconstructions and modifications. Depending on the desired cabin an requirements, we select the needed mountings for the cabin. We either choose a fixed body structure where the cabin is firmly attached to the chassis or a flexible bearing useful especially for off-road vehicles. Based on this decision, our vehicle manufacturer then construct the required subframe, torsion springs or diamond-shaped mountings and adapt them to the respective chassis.
Furthermore, we equip the vehicles with additional fuel tanks, reconstruct the driver cab, assemble storage boxes and steps. Many systems, such as our well-known automatic entry steps, various roof racks as well as rear carriers for bikes or motorcycles, are bocklet in-house developments.
If you chose an old, used chassis (e.g. because of a better fuel compatibility or easier technique), we will support you with the repair, overhaul and the modification for its new usage.
Trust our experience.