A strong team
Our team...
From engineers over vehicles builders, mechanics, electricians, carpenters and locksmiths to painters - our team is what makes bocklet fahrzeugbau something extraordinary. Our team comprises of about 20 highly qualified and motivated technicians and craftsmen who build high-class vehicles.
Our employees...
...are experts in their area of expertise and have many years of experience in the vehicle manufacturing sector. We have a fully-equipped workshop with modern machinery for steel construction, polymer processing, the carpenter's and paint workshops, and even manufacture the cabin walls ourselves. When constructing your vehicle, we rely on modern 2D/3D CAD systems.
We are a training company! To make sure that we will be able to provide high-quality vehicle also in the future, we train today the specialists of tomorrow. Currently, we are employing 3 apprentices. We believe that training tomorrow's workforce is an important social and economic task. Do you want to work in a dynamic team building high quality motorhomes, expedition and special-purpose vehicles? Vacancies